Friday, December 09, 2005

i work on wall street, darling

a regular patron comes in with a friend that i haven't met. apparently he hadn't been around because he'd been working in new york, and just dropped by for a visit.

me: "so what's been keeping you busy in new york?"
him: "oh i work on wall street, darling."
me: "oh, that's cool, what do you do there?"
him: "oh you know, i work with the traders and stocks and bonds and all sorts of stuff."
me: "nice, so you're a trader?"
him: "well no, i HIRE the traders, you know, i've been building whole divisions from the ground up."
me: "oo ok, that's really cool."
him: "yea, you know, i'm part of the whole business, i've helped hire whole company divisions and stuff."
me: "hehe, that's really amazing!"



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